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Hand Sanitation
  1. Please find our Project Firstline poster with QR code, scan it, and enter your name and email address under trainings. 

  2. On our website name one interactive video on our website,

    1. Fidgeting Felix or Diarrhea Dilemma

  3. Name three PPE items used to reduce the risk of infection related to germs in water and wet surfaces.

    1. Gloves, gowns, eye protection

  4. T/F: UsingUsing PPE, areis a key infection control actions to reduce infection risk.

    1. True

  5. Name three “high-touch” surfaces that could carry germs in a healthcare setting.

    1. There are many high-touch surfaces in healthcare.  A few examples include bed rails, door handles, and light switches they also include countertops, bed curtains, floors 

  6. T/F:  Rotavirus is an example of a germ that commonly lives on dry surfaces.

    1. True

  7. What is one way to reduce risk of infection from germs that travel in the air?

    1. Cleaning and disinfection, ventilation, using barriers and other types of construction containment

  8. T/F:  Construction, big or small, can release germs into the air that increase the risk of infection in patients with weakened immune systems.

    1. True

  9. What is an example of a device shared by patients that could be a risk for germ spread in healthcare setting?

    1. There are many devices shared in healthcare that can spread germs.  An example of an item from the poster is a pulse oximeter 

  10. T/F:  Staphylococcus aureus (“Staph” including MRSA) is germs that commonly lives on devices and cause infection.

    1. True

  11. Name one of the germs that commonly lives on skin.

    1. Staphylococcus aureus (“staph,” including MRSA), Streptococcus (strep), Candida (including C. auris)

  12. T/F: Healthcare tasks can involve breaking the skin, which breaks down the body’s defenses and increases the risk for germs to spread.

    1. True

  13. Name one healthcare task involving the respiratory system that could put a patient at higher risk for a respiratory infection.

    1. There are many risks in the healthcare setting that put healthcare workers at risk for a respiratory infection.  A few examples from the poster are oral care (toothbrushing), CPAP used for sleep apnea, Intubation, giving nebulized medication?

  14. T/F: Germs are more likely to spread in spaces with poor ventilation.

    1. True

  15. Name one healthcare task that can put a healthcare worker at a higher risk of getting an infection from germs that can be found in blood.

    1. There are many risks in the healthcare setting that put healthcare workers at risk for a getting an infection from blood. A few examples are putting in an IV, giving an injection, surgery, and procedures, changing soiled laundry?

  16. T/F: Hepatitis B is the only type of hepatitis that can cause infections in the blood.

    1. False

  17. What germs live in the gut and that are considered part of a healthy immune system?

    1. Bacteria and some yeasts

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